mesa - march 2025 

 March 7-9, 2025:

- Age GroupsU15 - U18/19 boys and girls

-  Location: Arizona Athletic Grounds, Mesa AZ

 Join us again back at Arizona Athletic Grounds for HS age -League Matches/Showcase please stay tuned for further updates regarding dates, and showcase information for this U15 - U18/19 boys and girls event. This event will provide a platform for players to compete in regular season games in front of college coaches and scouts.


Each JPL Mountain West NPL event is a Stay-To-Play, but we understand that every team's situation is different. A minimum of 15 nights per team is asked to be booked through our Hotel partner TTS. However, there is no buy-out option or harsh penalty for not meeting the minimum. This is offered as a benefit for teams who wish to use it; if a hotel room is going to be booked, we ask you to do it through our booking link. We understand all situations are different, and this might not be attractive to every team.  

Booking link:JPL Mountain West NPL Hotel Booking Link 

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