mesa - november 2024

November 15-17, 2024
Age Groups: U12 - U18/19 boys and girls
Location: Arizona Athletic Grounds, Mesa AZ
Fields 18-24, and 8-14
Local Weather Updates - AccueWeatherMesaAZ
We will be back at Arizona Athletic Grounds (old Bell Bank Park) in Mesa, AZ, for an all-age event, U12 - U18/19 boys and girls.
Venue and HQ will be open 7:00am Friday 10/11.
Games will kick off 8:00am.
We are excited to be back at Arizona Athletic Grounds (AAG) this season. We are looking forward to the warm weather Mesa should bring during the month of November.
Each JPL Mountain West NPL event is a Stay-To-Play, but we understand that every team's situation is different. A minimum of 15 nights per team is asked to be booked through our Hotel partner TTS. However, there is no buy-out option or harsh penalty for not meeting the minimum. This is offered as a benefit for teams who wish to use it; if a hotel room is going to be booked, we ask you to do it through our booking link. We understand all situations are different, and this might not be attractive to every team.
We will be providing athletic trainers for players to maintain their peak performance and we will have a full complement of staff there to assist all teams throughout the 3-day event.
Booking link:JPL Mountain West NPL Hotel Booking Link

Entrance & parking information

Entrance Fee
AAG is a privately operated venue. There are a number of “free admission areas” at the park including Miller Lite Way, Grab N Go’s, "The YARD” and practices during the week. However, similar to other marquee sports destinations, if you enter into a sports complex for an event, Arizona Athletic Grounds charges a fee for all spectators. This fee helps maintain our world class facilities. Participating athletes, coaches, officials, and promoters are credentialed at the box office.
Please use this link to purchase a 3 day weekend pass.
Parking Fee
Arizona Athletic Grounds (AAG) uses an innovative solar-powered, paperless, smart-parking system featuring Tap 'N Explore QR code pay technology and Payment Stations in all our parking locations.
Free Parking:
- Monday - Thursday
- Friday 6 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Paid Parking:
$5 flat rate with all day in and out privileges
- Friday 3 p.m. - 11 p.m.
- Sat/Sun 6 a.m. - 11 p.m.
- Holiday Weekends - 7 a.m. - 11 p.m,
More details at ParkAAG.com
Plan your parking and your trip! CLICK HERE for Parking Map.
Click the “Resource tab > Health and Safety”, on the main page for any insurance claims. You will also find the JPL Mountain West NPL Competition Rules, and other helpful information there as well.
Venue specific Rules and FAQ for AAG can be accessed by clicking https://www.azgrounds.com/frequently-asked-questions

site map

We will be providing athletic trainers for players to maintain their peak performance and we will have a full complement of staff there to assist all teams throughout the 3-day event.
Please check the venue map below for HQ, Athletic trainer locations, field marshal tent locations, suggested parking lots, preferred entrance locations, as well as food beverage and bathroom areas.
Arizona Athletic Grounds address
6321 South Ellsworth Road Mesa, AZ 85212